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Posted On 4-Oct-2023

What are the types of SEO?

Posted by OMX Digital Pvt. Ltd.

Viewed 2.94 min read


What are the types of SEO?

There are three basic types of search engine optimization (SEO), each with a specific focus and set of goals:

1.On-Page SEO:

  • Keyword Research:  Determining the appropriate search terms that your intended audience is most likely to use.

  • Content Optimization:  Producing excellent, pertinent, and interesting material that organically incorporates specified keywords.

  • Meta Tags:Optimizing each page's meta titles and meta descriptions.

  • Header Tags: Using header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) correctly to organize your material.

  • Image Optimization: Image optimization: Adding descriptive alt tags to images and compressing their files to make them load more quickly.

  • URL Structure:  Making URLs that are clear and informative.

  • Internal Linking: Establishing links to other pertinent pages on your website.

2.Off-Page SEO:

  • Link Building: Obtaining high-quality backlinks from trustworthy websites to boost the authority of your website.

  • Social Media Marketing:  Using social media to interact with your audience and market your material.

  • Influencer Marketing:  partnering with influential people in the industry to increase visibility and credibility.

  • Online Reputation Management: Keeping an eye on and managing the online reputation of your company.

3. Technical SEO:

  • Website Speed Optimization: Speeding up page loads to improve user experience and ranking.

  • Mobile-Friendliness:  Ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly and responsive.

  • XML Sitemaps: Creating sitemaps and submitting them to search engines for improved crawling and indexing.

  • Robots.txt: Limiting access to some areas of your website for search engine crawlers using the robots.txt file.

  • Schema Markup: Using structured data to give search engines more information about your content's context.

  • Canonical Tags: Indicating the preferred version of a page in situations when there are difficulties with duplicate or similar information.

  • Hreflang Tags: Describing the language and region that your content is intended for international SEO.

The visibility and positioning of your website on search engine results pages (SERPs) will be enhanced by combining these three methods of SEO. To be most effective, an SEO strategy should combine components from all three categories. Depending on your business objectives, target market, and industry, you will utilise different tactics and strategies for each category.

Tags: What are the types of SEO?
