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Posted On 27-Sep-2023

The growth of digital marketing in India

Posted by OMX Digital Pvt. Ltd.

Viewed 4.23 min read


The growth of digital marketing in India

India has shown particularly impressive growth in digital marketing during the past ten years.

The quick growth of digital marketing in the Indian market has been attributed to a number of causes, including:

  1. Internet Penetration: The availability of inexpensive smartphones and more affordable mobile data plans has significantly increased internet penetration in India. Due to this, businesses now have access to a sizable online audience to which they may direct their digital marketing efforts.

  2. Social Media Boom: In India, the use of social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and WhatsApp has skyrocketed. These platforms have a sizable user population, making them crucial for businesses looking to interact with new clients and raise brand awareness.

  3. E-commerce Revolution: With companies like Flipkart, Amazon, and Paytm Mall leading the charge, India's e-commerce market has experienced exponential growth. Due to the resulting rise in competition, businesses now largely rely on digital marketing to attract and keep clients.

  4. Digital Payments: Online transactions are now more safe and convenient thanks to the use of digital payment mechanisms like UPI (Unified Payments Interface). This change has given firms the chance to use digital marketing for services and promotions including payments.

  5. Digital media such as blogs, podcasts, videos, and social media posts are increasingly consumed by Indian consumers. Content marketing and influencer collaborations now have more opportunities thanks to this trend.

  6.  Since there are many different languages spoken in India, many users favour regional language material. By producing content in several languages to reach a larger audience, digital marketing methods have adjusted to this.

  7. Government Programmes: Programmes like Digital India have boosted the development of infrastructure and the adoption of digital technology, which has helped the digital marketing ecosystem.

  8. In India, start-ups in many different industries have increased. These businesses frequently rely significantly on digital marketing to build their brand presence and efficiently and rapidly reach their target audience.

  9. Data analytics: In India, data-driven decision-making is now a crucial component of digital marketing. Tools for data analytics are being used by businesses more and more to evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and make improvements.

  10. Affordable Smartphones: The accessibility of low-cost smartphones has widened the reach of digital marketing efforts by facilitating internet access for people living in smaller towns and rural areas.

  11. Government restrictions: Indian regulatory agencies have created restrictions, such as data protection laws modelled after GDPR and stricter guidelines for digital advertising, encouraging companies to embrace more transparent and moral digital marketing techniques.

  12. Digital Literacy: Initiatives to raise digital literacy levels among Indians have resulted in a greater awareness and use of digital platforms, which has increased the audience's openness to digital marketing initiatives.

In conclusion, technological development, shifting consumer behaviour, and a dynamic corporate environment have all contributed to the expansion of digital marketing in India. The digital marketing sector is anticipated to develop and grow further as India continues to urbanise and digitise, offering plenty of chances for firms to engage with their target audience through fresh methods.


Tags: The growth of digital marketing in India
