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Posted On 19-Sep-2023

How to use email marketing to grow your business?

Posted by OMX Digital Pvt. Ltd.

Viewed 11.78 min read


How to use email marketing to grow your business?


Email marketing is a potent marketing channel that uses email to advertise the goods or services your company offers. Email marketing is a type of direct marketing as well as digital marketing. By incorporating it into your marketing automation initiatives, it can assist in informing your clients about your most recent products or offers. Through various forms of marketing emails, it can also be extremely important in your overall marketing strategy for lead generation, brand awareness, relationship building, and consumer engagement in between transactions.  

Using email marketing, businesses can expand because it allows you direct access to the email inboxes of your clients or potential consumers. Email marketing is a terrific way to build your brand. You have a fantastic opportunity to establish a distinctive voice, style, and image for your subscribers when you regularly update your blog.

The advantages of email marketing include:

  • Cost-effective: Compared to many other marketing strategies, email marketing may often be far more affordable. No printing, media space, or advertising charges are incurred.

  • Permission-based: People who have actively selected to receive your emails will be on your marketing list. Genuinely curious clients are more likely to interact with your company and purchase your goods and/or services.

  • Flexible design: You can send plain text, graphics, or files as attachments, depending on what best matches your message. A variety of style choices allow you the freedom to express your company's branding and create an eye-catching email.

  • Scalable: Reaching both broad audiences and more narrowly targeted lists is possible with email marketing.

  • Shareable: People can easily forwarded and shared the content of your email, enhancing your reputation through viral marketing or word-of-mouth advertising. This can persuade potential clients to support your business. 

  • Conversions and increased sales: People can rapidly respond to your call-to-action by clicking links if you have a new promotion. At every level of the purchasing process, email marketing is also successful. You can persuade someone to choose your product, maintain the customer relationship after the sale, and even inspire more purchases in the future.

  • Measurable: By monitoring bounced emails, open rates, and click-through rates, you can gauge a campaign's effectiveness. To determine which copy, subject lines, and graphics work best, you may quickly run tests on them. This enables you to optimise subsequent campaigns.

  • Benchmark: You can assess your performance in relation to others in your sector. By searching online, you can get a variety of free email marketing benchmarking studies. You can analyse and prioritise areas for improvement by using benchmarking data.

  • Environmentally-friendly: Since there is no printing involved, email marketing is more environmentally friendly than direct mail marketing.

  • Time-saving: You can automate the sending of emails to consumers based on an action they have taken on your website, such as sending a welcome email when a user registers or sending an email with a discount incentive when a user leaves an online shopping cart unattended. Once you've created a template, you can use it over and over again for different email campaigns. 

  • Real-time marketing: Real-time communication with customers is possible with email marketing. You may target the appropriate audience, at the right time, in the right location, and with the right offer by using automated triggers like website activity, recent purchases, or shopping cart abandonment. 

  Here are some of the ways email marketing can trigger the growth of your business:

1. Use Email Marketing to Promote New Products and Services

Do you wish to advertise a brand-new good or service? Email marketing is a useful tool for accomplishing that.

Keep in mind that email marketing is less expensive than traditional advertising or sponsored advertisements. Create an email list, then start promoting your newest goods and services.

Here are some pointers to improve your chances of expanding your company using email marketing:

  • Describe the advantages of the goods and services.

  • To encourage the people on your email list to take the desired action, including a unique offer or discount.

  • Add extra goods and services that will be significantly more expensive than the original price of the prior product or service if you don't wish to offer a discount.

81% of small and medium-sized firms concur that email marketing is their main method of customer acquisition, and 80% concur that email marketing is their main method of customer retention.

2. You Educate and Build Relationship with Your Customers Through Email Marketing

You might not always have the luxury of unlimited time to call your clients on the phone. The entire process will, however, be automated with only one click of the email's send button.Educating your clients is another way to use email marketing to expand your company. Make sure to produce excellent content that is relevant to the services you provide.

For example, if you are the top certified public accountant (CPA) in Salt Lake City, USA, you can write articles on topics like "How to Create a Balance Sheet for Your Small Business," "How Income Tax is Calculated in Utah," "How to Hire a Certified Public Accountant in Salt Lake City," etc., and occasionally share them with your email list.

You can use email marketing to forge a strong bond with your current email list in addition to employing education-based marketing to inform clients about your goods and services and the reasons they should keep using or hiring you.You will see a rise in your email open rate as your communications get more informative.

3. Email Marketing Helps You in Generating Web Traffic

Sending out three abandoned cart emails led to 69% more orders than sending just one, according to a 2018 analysis from Omnisend. mainly because more emails lead to more clicks, and more clicks lead to more order placements.In other words, if your e-commerce business is experiencing shopping cart abandonment, it would be wise to gather the email addresses of individuals who were unable to finish their purchase and send them three additional emails.Setting up a Facebook ad that is targeted at people who clicked but did not finish their order before closing the browser is another technique to lower shopping cart abandonment.To encourage people to visit your website or online store and make purchases, you can use the contacts in your email list.

4. Always Include a Call-to-Action

A button or line of text with a hyperlink that serves as an email marketing call to action sends users to a website chosen by the brand that sent the email.To encourage customers to take action is the main purpose of a CTA in an email. It makes no difference where on Earth your company is located—in the United States, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, or anywhere else.If you want the contacts on your email list to perform the required action, the importance of the Call-to-Action (CTA) cannot be overstated.It's a wise idea to take advantage of recent CTA statistics that showed personalised calls to action perform 202% better than a standard CTA since it's feasible to personalise any element of your email simply using the recipient's first name.In light of this, if you want to include a call to action in your email, think about personalising it—humanizing it.Your email's call-to-action instructs your readers on what to do after reading it.

5. Email Marketing Helps Increase Your Credibility

Do you know that by knowing how to use email marketing for business, you can improve your credibility?

This is comparable to informing your contacts with interesting and original stuff. The main distinction is that the more educational stuff you publish, the more likely it is that your connections will turn to you for assistance.

When you give them relevant information, you can be sure that they will choose you when they are ready to do so. To increase the know, like, and trust factor without spending a fortune, use email marketing.

Therefore, keep up your email marketing efforts because even if they don't provide results right away, they will in the future. You don't need any further email marketing statistics to support your belief that email marketing can increase a small business owner's reputation in the eyes of their target market. You may accomplish the same goal with the aid of a well-planned company blog. Here is some advice from experts on how to get going right away.

Tags: How to use email marketing to grow your business?
